The vision of the Council is to strive for equity, expansion and excellence in higher education
and research to make our State a knowledge society.
Equity: In respect to equity, the Government passed the OBC Reservation Bill mandating
reservation of 17% seats in all state aided higher education institute to OBCs. Several colleges
for girls have been established besides eastern India's first Women's University at Diamond
Expansion: The Government is in expansion mode right now. Twenty-three new degree
colleges are underway. One state-private university has been set up in the academic session
2014-15 and few more are to come up shortly.
Excellence: The WBSCHE, set up in 1994, as per the WBSCHE Act 1994 and subsequently modified in 2015 has been appointed by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) as its nodal centre for West Bengal, Bihar and North-East states for mandatory accreditation of HE institutions starting from those imparting professional courses.